Thursday, August 22, 2013

All the world's a sunny day

This post marks the fourth and final set of photos you have been seeing over the past few weeks from my trip out to Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks. This set is comprised of the color shots I took while we were in Yellowstone. Except for that one of the bird. The bird was hanging out at the R.V. park we slept at in Idaho the night that Yellowstone was full. As for things you might be seeing show up in the future, I just got a roll back from MFNW, and will have some shots from the backpacking trip I just got back from up on Mt. Hood. Maybe some other stuff, who knows? Until then, enjoy these views of Yellowstone.

Camera: Pentax K1000, Canon FT
Film: Kodak Portra 400
Listening to: Paul Simon - Kodachrome

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Yellowstone Winds

For part three of my series of road trip photos, I've got the black and white photos from the time I spent in Yellowstone. I feel like I should have done a little research beforehand so I remembered what the names of the rivers, and waterfalls are. Maybe I'll do an edit later. The geyser going off is Old Faithful, at least that was pretty easy to remember. Stay tuned next week for the last of the photos from my trip. After that I'll probably go back to posting more sporadically.

Camera: Pentax K1000
Film: Kodak Tri-X 400
Listening to: The Wipers - Misfit

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Throw the Rope

 Here's round two of the photos from the Grand Teton, and Yellowstone National Parks trip. These are some of the color shots from the time we spent at Teton Valley Ranch camp. My team got knocked out of the roping tournament in the first round, so I had plenty of time to watch and take photos. The Teton photos at the bottom of this post were taken the following day while we were camping at the Gros Ventre campground in the Jackson Valley.

Camera: Canon FT
Film: Kodak Portra 400
Listening to: Battles - Futura

Thursday, August 1, 2013

A Song of Wyoming

After getting all of my film back from my recent trip out to Grand Teton, and Yellowstone National Parks, I ended up with nearly 200 shots. I know that in these days of modern digital cameras, that may not seem like much, but for me and my 35mm's, I assure you, that's a shit load. I've decided to break up the photos into four different posts. For this first post, you're getting the black and white half of the days spent in Teton Valley Ranch Camp, as well as the time spent in and around Grand Teton National Park.

Camera: Pentax K1000
Film: Kodak Tri-X 400
Listening to: Bob Seger - Night Moves