Wednesday, December 30, 2009

"broken glass, needles, shit"

I haven't done a post in a little while so I went through and found these few that never made it up. These three photos were on the same roll of photos that I used the last time it snowed here. So that should give you a little reference to when these are from. You'll also notice the bank that made it into some color photos last year. Also if you take a look at that handy little banner at the top of the page you should see something familiar as well. Anyways I just really like these pictures because they show how gritty the spot is. It's very frequent that you'll go down there and there will be all sorts of broken glass, needles, shit, shopping carts, and what not that you have to clean up before you can skate. But once you get that shit cleaned up it's a completely bust free spot. One of my favorites in town. That's all for today. Have a happy new year.

Listening to: Black Market Fetus - Take Aim

Thursday, November 19, 2009

It's a gamble, double down or don't.

Some days you've just got to walk. This day started with Casey, Lacey, and I walking up to Mt. Tabor. Once we got to the top, we took a short break and decided, instead of heading back, to keep moving forward. We walked for a few hours that day, and covered some good ground. Got some good food, and saw a tree that turned into a fish. Had Ice Cube been there, he would've said "it was a good day".

Listening to: Kaaos - Vaihtoehto

Friday, October 23, 2009

Over The Hill

So fall is in full effect, and since I'm not able to be out skating because it's raining, I went through some older photos and plucked out some that I like that had not made it to the blog. This is also my 40th post, so in celebration after I get this online I'm gonna go get myself a 40.

Listening to: Shyne - Bad Boyz

Monday, October 19, 2009

Caught up in the hype

Along with getting a new camera recently, I also got a new phone, which also happens to have a nice camera built into it. So every now and then you'll probably see a photo or two from there. This is the first. From on the road back from the Undertow/Unbroken/Converge show a few weeks back. Road doggin.

Listening to: Jay-Z - Blueprint 2

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Walk on, with hope in your heart

It's been a little while since I've done a post. That's mainly because my other camera took a shit. But now I have this fancy schmancy Nikon N80 that my brother was so kind as to give me. These pictures were all shot within probably an hour of getting the camera, on what was supposed to be our friend's last day as a free man. So now that I've got a working camera again I'll be trying to update more frequently, so keep your eyes peeled, and enjoy.

Listening to: The Descendents - Coolidge

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I bet you can't

Took a little roadtrip to Roseburg the other day. Some of the most interesting times in a while. From cliff jumping, to christian songwriters, to breaking into hot tubs, to heavy metal, to metting the coolest guys ever at a bar, to seeing a plane crash, to skateboarding, and feeding wild animals, just to name a few of the things that went down in those three days. One downside to the weekend was my camera's light leak has gotten pretty bad. I need to take it in, once I finish the roll that's in there, to get it fixed. Hopefully it wont take much to get it in good working condition again. Here's some shots from that little roadtrip down south.

Listening to: Slayer - South of Heaven

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Go shorty, it's your birthday.

The photos are from two of my friend's kid's first birthday that went down last week. It was on one of those randomly not hot as balls days, so it was pretty nice. I shot a full 36 exposure roll that day, and came out with a lot of cool shots. On a side note, Portland has an indoor, 3-D, black light, pirate themed, mini golf course that my friend Katie and I went to yesterday. I highly suggest that you check it out because it was FUCKING AWESOME.

Listening to: The Observers - Slipping Away

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Hit or miss

Last Monday Tim, Thrustie, and some other bands played a show at Blaine's house. This is one of the other bands. They played a super long set, and had like 10 different instruments they switched between. It was kind of cool. Most of the photos on the roll didn't turn out that well since it was dark and I was pretty drunk. But sometimes shooting into the dark works out.

Listening to: Against Me! - Impact

Saturday, July 18, 2009

How Beautiful to Be

So I bought a tripod at an antique store last week for eight bucks. A few nights ago I hung out in the backyard at night and messed around with some longer exposures a little bit. These are some of the results. I'm pretty psyched for how the look. Expect more night shots, and long exposures soon. Also I went to the grand opening of a star wars store today, so there should be some stormtrooper pics on here pretty soon as well.

Listening to: Bjork - Joga

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Sunday, July 12, 2009

It's a gray sunday today. Thick clouds, cool thick air, and the possibility of thunderstorms later. Luckily I've got a roof over my head, and a few cups of coffee in my belly. Today I'm continuing with the dead bird theme that's been taking over the blog as of late. Our dog Spyke took out this little robin one day in the backyard. Tim buried it after we took these pictures. It's all good since our little buddy Mohommad's chicks have hatched and we have new life in the backyard.

Listening to: Willie Nelson - My Heroes Have Always Been Cowboys

Thursday, July 2, 2009

not always as smart as you think

Back from Wisconsin. I didn't take a ton of pictures while I was out of town, again. Fortunately though this roll that I just got back had a bunch of good stuff on it. Proof of my hurt ankle, good shots of some friends, some more dead birds, and a cute little raccoon that had been hanging out in my mom's barn. I'm about to head out to first Thursdays and check out the galleries before work. If you're out in Portland and looking for cool photos and good coffee, stop by Crema, at SE 28th and Ankeny because my pal Brent( has a photo show there that is opening tonight. Check it out. Enjoy.

Listening to: Axegrinder - Evilution